Sunday, July 22, 2012

Well I thought that with all that is going on I should resurrect this blog. Hopefully it will make it easier to keep  everyone updated on Mia's progress.  So here is a little background on what is going on.

Last fall Mia had her tonsils out.  At that time her antibodies were all wacky.  A couple of months later they were checked again and were still off.  We moved from the ENT doctor to an immunologist.  She did some more background and more tests. After a couple of sets of tests she sent us to the Hematology/Oncology clinic.  Casey took her to her first appointment because I was on my way to Women's conference in Provo.  He called that night to say they wanted to do a bone marrow biopsy the next day and so early the next morning I drove back to Boise to be home in time.  The doctors did not find cancer or leukemia.  The next week she went in again to have a lymph node biopsy done.  During this time it was discovered that her distended belly was in fact a very enlarged spleen.  After nearly two months of tests, Stanford finally came back with an answer.  Mia was diagnosed with a rare lymphoma.  Angio immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.

This lymphoma is generally found in men over the age of 60.  It is essentially unheard of in children.  Her doctors are following the same chemotherapy protocol used for adults, tailored to her age and size.  The plan is for her to receive 6 treatments of CHOP plus etopiside at 15 day intervals.  CHOP stands for the four of the drugs they use.  She had one round already.  The second round has been delayed a bit as they are waiting for her white blood cell counts to improve.  In order to help her recover more quickly another medicine, a hormone, is being added to the regimen.

Mia will also receive an autologous bone marrow transplant.  This means that stem cells will be harvested from her own blood and stored to be transplanted later.  So after the third round of Chemo we will head down to Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City.  We will spend up to a week there so that the harvest can occur.  Then we will be back home.  After the final round of Chemo will head back to Primary Childrens to receive the transplant.  She will be in the hospital for 3-4 weeks until her white blood cell counts start to recover.  Afterwards, because of the possible complications, she and I will be required to stay in the area for about 2 1/2 months.

Mia has really not been feeling very well over the last couple of months.  She did all right with the first round of treatments although she did get mouth sores and super stringy saliva.  Because she has lost 20 pounds over the last couple months the doctors were concerned about her weight.  So they put an NG tube in and she gets pediasure continuously.  This helps a lot because she just doesn't eat much at all.

Today she went to Young Women's for the first time in several months.  She was so excited to be there.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good idea and a great way to keep everyone informed on Mia's progress. Thanks for doing it. Mia and your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers...Hugs!
